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COVID-19 - Prevent the Spread Stay at Home, Stay Safe

COVID-19 - Prevent the Spread Stay at Home, Stay Safe

Protect yourself

The best thing you can do now is a plan for how you can adapt your daily routine. Take few steps to protect yourself as Clean your hands often, avoid close contact, Cover coughs and sneezes, clean daily used surfaces, etc. The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus.

Wash Your Hands

The best thing you can do now is plan for how.

Drink Much Watar

The best thing you can do now is plan for how.

Use Face Mask

The best thing you can do now is plan for how.

Avoid Close Contact

The best thing you can do now is plan for how.

Don’t Touch Face

The best thing you can do now is plan for how.

Social Distancing

The best thing you can do now is plan for how.